Friday, August 30, 2024


Runners will be competing with chips on their shoes this Saturday. The chips need to be placed in the middle of the tongue of the shoe (so the chip doesn't dig into runners' feet during the race). It should look like this:

The challenge will be getting all these chips on all these shoes, and the kids will be nervous and their minds will be focused on racing. Here's what we're thinking:

We found a YOUTUBE video that shows the chips being put on using twist-ties. The alternative would be to untie every kid's shoelaces, putting the chip in, then re-lacing the shoes. This will be time-consuming for everyone, and we don't want to add any undue stress on race day.

So, we were hoping to recruit as many parent volunteers as possible. You can take a kid's shoe, place the twist ties through the laces of the shoe, then loop the twist ties through the chip and then twist them together. This is a lot faster and if we all work together we can get the kids off to the start line and ready to race.

Here's a video of what we want to do...we want to try the FIRST way, which lasts until the 40-second mark:

Avon Lake Early Bird

Here’s information regarding our team this week:

  • Just another reminder: bring water and a watch to practice every day! We will be working on intervals on the track and don’t always have access to water. We are also working on pacing so athletes need to continue timing themselves on intervals, along with keeping track of workout times and making sure we are aware of the ‘normal’ time.
  • Please let us know if there are any issues with uniforms! Stop by Coach Peepers' room if you need anything.
  • All athletes need to make sure they are stretching right after practice, at night and on Saturdays/Sundays. If there is consistent, long-lasting pain, let us know. We may be able to schedule a time to see the trainer at the high school if necessary.
  • We will be meeting at TROY (not Learwood), on Saturday, August 31st, at 6:05 a.m. This is an early one. Buses leave at 6:10 a.m. We should return around 10 a.m. (maybe even earlier) at Troy. We will send a  text for parents.
  • This meet will be held at Lorain County Community College (LCCC).
  • Course map can be found here: COURSE MAP
  • Parents, you should be able to see athletes run at the beginning of the race, then at the tennis courts (around the mile mark), then at the finish.
  • We have been talking about HYDRATION for the past several weeks. Please keep hydrating prior to Saturday.
  • All BOYS run at 8:00 a.m.
  • All GIRLS run at 8:30 a.m.
  • This race will determine who runs TEAM and OPEN at next week's Tiffin Carnival! We will talk about that on Friday.
  • Bring uniform, apparel, running shoes AND spikes (if you have them). You will only wear your spikes for the race. Bring a cell phone, water, your weekly sports drink (just one), and a healthy snack.
  • Another reminder: if you wear compression shirts, shorts, or just regular shirts/shorts underneath your uniform, it has to be BLACK! 
  • Parents, if you could wait to sign out your child that would be preferred. The coaching staff will be back at camp right after the last race. But if you have to sign out earlier, Coach Marlow will be at the finish line. Only parents can sign out athletes!
  • After the race, results will be posted online at If you click RESULTS and then MEET RESULTS you should be able to find the Avon Lake Early Bird.

Wednesday, August 28, 2024

SWC Preview Results

Here are the results from last Saturday's SWC Preview: MEET RESULTS 

A few notes:
  • I edited some of the names, double-check the spelling as I had to make changes
  • Some information is not there, but Avon Lake's data should be set

Monday, August 26, 2024

Apparel Orders

Apparel orders for this season are now open!

This is optional apparel you can order--it is not mandatory to purchase any of these items. Deadline for apparel orders will be Friday, August 30th.

You can order your optional apparel here: AVON LAKE TEAM SHOP

Friday, August 23, 2024

SWC Preview

SWC PREVIEW Information (slightly updated from what was sent Tuesday):

  • We will be taking two buses from TROY Saturday morning at 7 a.m.
  • We should return to TROY around 11:15 a.m. We will have athletes call and we'll send a TEAM REACH text to be picked up so parents do not have to wait.
  • Please remember to pick up your child in a timely manner as coaches have to wait for every athlete to be picked up.
  • All BOYS run at 9 a.m.
  • All GIRLS run at 9:30 a.m.
  • Bring uniform, apparel, running shoes AND spikes (if you have them). You will only wear your spikes for the race. Also, you might want to bring sandals to wear afterward, as your feet, socks, and shoes could be wet. It’s a much better ride home if your feet are dry. Bring a cell phone, water, sports drink (just one), and a healthy snack.
  • Remember, if you wear compression shirts, shorts, or just regular shirts/shorts underneath your uniform, it has to be BLACK! Try to make sure your shirts/shorts are a solid color (black). 
Avon Meet (PARENTS):
  • The course will be held at 3701 Veterans Memorial Parkway Avon, OH 44011
  • Parents, we will have a QR code to be scanned by your phone. Each coach will have a clipboard with the code so you can scan your child out from the meet (instead of signing out your child). We'll cross-check this after the meet but hopefully this is easier & quicker for everyone.
  • We would like all athletes to stay for both races, if possible, so they can cheer on their teammates. We want all Avon Lakers to get cheered on through the end of their races. 
  • Because of this, if parents could wait to sign out athletes until AFTER both races, this will allow the coaches to watch the races and support all runners. Once both races are completed, you can sign out your child with coaches at the finish line or at camp.
  • Avon is requesting one parent volunteer per team. We should have two coaches at the finish line to help out, but one coach will probably be recording our times/collecting athlete cards and the other coach will be signing athletes out. If anyone is interested in helping out let us know at camp tomorrow!

Avon Course Map


Wednesday, August 21, 2024

11th Intra-Squad Meet Results



Team Name




Connor, Ginny, Ethan, Adam, Sophia, Mia, Myah, and Jack



Jogging Jelly Fish



Non-Chalant Rizzlers



Mega Minions









Cross Tutu Hippos

Tuesday, August 20, 2024

Picture Day Info

Here's information regarding Picture Day today (Friday, August 23rd)

  • Show up with your uniform on 
  • We'll meet in Coach Rocco's room, then go to the gym
  • You can add compression shirts/shorts if you would like, but make sure the color is solid BLACK
  • Please bring a bag with your clothes for PRACTICE
  • We'll hold practice right after pictures
  • We're passing out picture order forms at practice on Tuesday
Practice information and after practice:
  • After pictures you'll change into your practice clothes in the locker room or restroom
  • We'll head out to practice
  • Parents, we're not sure when we'll be done as the timeline will be a bit off, but we'll try to finish around 4:45 p.m.
  • Athletes, when you're done today you might want to store two water bottles in your locker AND a hoody/long-sleeve t-shirt to wear in the event of a poor-weather day (we will practice in bad weather so be prepared)
  • Here's the website to order pictures: PICTURE ORDERS
  • Online password: 1001148474
  • Again, we'll have hard copies of this sent home as well

Monday, August 19, 2024

10th Annual Avon Lake Intra-Squad Meet

Here are a few notes about today's A.L. Intra-Squad Meet:
  • Wear your normal running shoes (no spikes)
  • Wear your normal practice attire
  • Parents, you can drop off athletes at the caboose or the library parking lot (whichever is easiest)
  • Parents, this is primarily a practice for the kids to get an idea of what a race will look (and feel) like and is something fun we do to get them ready for're welcome to attend but you'll only really see the beginning and end of the race
  • Athletes, we will meet between the stadium and the varsity baseball field
  • We'll review how a cross country meet is scored, then we'll start the race!
  • Teams are posted on the Google Spreadsheet, this will be emailed to you
  • You will meet with your teammates and decide on a team name...then tell the coaches
  • When you finish, listen to your coaches as they yell out your time
  • Another coach will give you a card with your place number on it
  • Once you catch your breath, you'll be asked to write your time on your card
  • Gather together with your teammates and cheer on the runners as they come in
  • Once your entire team is finished, add up your TOP 5 places
  • For example, if your top 5 places are 1, 2, 3, 4, and 5, you would add 1 + 2 + 3 + 4 + 5 = this example your team would score 15 total points
  • Double check your math, then make sure you have your 6th place & 7th place cards as well
  • Report to Coach Rocco with your team's totals, and then tell him your team's 6th & 7th places as well (in case there's a tie)
  • Then we'll go over the results as an entire team and crown the winning team
Athletes & Parents:
  •  Here's a video going over how a meet is scored...the example used is a dual meet: HOW TO SCORE A CROSS COUNTRY MEET
  • Here's an example of a previous year's A.L. Intra-Squad Meet:
1.   Musty Crusty Dusties
        70 points

        Avery Brown
        Mia Brunetti
        Abraham Gill
        Reid Gunter
        Dennis Johnson
        Ian Reed
        Jenna Turton

2.   Kopf Kreamers        74 points
3.   Ferrets                      79 points
4.   Lightning                  93 points
5.   A.L.C.C. Team          98 points                    
6.   Team 3                    118 points
7.   Pepperoni's            119 points

Friday, August 16, 2024


Here's information about running shoes for training:
  • If you know by now that you're fully committed to running this fall, you probably want to invest in a pair of good running shoes (if you haven't already)
  • Our recommendation is to check out Second Sole (in Lakewood), and mention that the Avon Lake Cross Country coaching staff sent you there (and that you'll be running on the team this season)
  • In seasons' past they've given a 15% off discount 
  • Their website can be found here: SECOND SOLE
  • They are also good at analyzing runners' walking gaits and then providing the proper shoe...this will also hopefully cut down on potential injuries this season
  • This should be your every day running shoes that you'll be training in, spikes will only be worn at meets
Here's information about spikes:
  • Spikes are NOT necessary, but they are recommended
  • We will be running a lot of early-morning races and the grass will be wet and slippery...spikes will help with traction (they'll also help at Cuyahoga Valley)
  • You will want CROSS COUNTRY (3/8-inch) spikes...not track spikes (save the shoes for the spring and you can switch out the spikes for 1/4-inch spikes)
  • I'm sure there are other sites you can find for spikes, but I've gotten spikes at
  • If you no longer need running shoes because an older runner in your family outgrew his or her shoes, or if your child on this team no longer needs his/her shoes at the end of this season, we'll take them...we've had parents donate shoes and we've got some for kids who may need them. THANK YOU to all who donated in the past!
  • If you NEED shoes please let me know, usually the ones we have, have only been used for a season or two and they are still in great shape (especially the spikes)...feel free to email me at

Monday, August 12, 2024

Practice Week #2: August 12th - August 17th & Monday, August 19th

This week we'll be meeting at different times/locations. Hopefully the weather cooperates with us as we finish out the summer portion of our season.

Parents, thank you for emailing us with any absences! Athletes, if you are absent please make sure to keep up with your training on your own. Running times are listed below!

We are going to hold our Intra-Squad Meet so athletes can experience how a meet is conducted, scored, and so they can feel what a race is like (prior to our first official meet). 

Here's this week's schedule:

  • Monday 8/12             Kopf                   8:30 - 10 a.m.
  • Tuesday 8/13             Learwood          8:30 - 10 a.m. 
  • Wednesday 8/14      ALHS Track        8:30 - 10 a.m. 
  • Thursday 8/15           Kopf                   8:30 - 10 a.m.
  • Friday 8/16                 Learwood         8:30 - 10:30 a.m.                
  • Saturday 8/17            ALHS                  9:30 - 10:30 a.m.
    • This is an OPTIONAL practice
    • If you cannot attend, make sure to get a run in!
  • Monday 8/19             Learwood         3:30 - 4:45 p.m.  (Intra-Squad Meet)

Here's next week's running times

  • Monday
    • 20 minutes
    • 70-75% HR max = 146 - 156 bpm
    • 135 - 156 bpm = 37 - 39 beats per 15 seconds
  • Tuesday
    • 800M Timed Run (time yourself in the mile and email/text Coach Rocco)
  • Wednesday   
    • 20 minutes
    • 65-75% HR max = 135 - 156 bpm
    • 135 - 156 bpm = 34 - 39 beats per 15 seconds
  • Thursday
    • 30 minutes EASY JOGGING (recovery run)
  • Friday             
    • Mile Timed Run (time yourself in the mile and email/text Coach Rocco)
  • Saturday        
    • 20 - 30 minutes
    • 70-75% HR max = 146 - 156 bpm
    • 135 - 156 bpm = 37 - 39 beats per 15 seconds

Monday, August 5, 2024

Practice Week #1: August 5th - August 10th

This week's practices will vary a little, and next week we'll be meeting at different locations/times. We'll post that schedule next week so everyone is aware.

Parents, going forward practices are mandatory and we'll be taking more diligent attendance. If you have a family commitment, are involved in the Jump Start program, or you have a conflict, those are excused absences, just make sure to communicate that to us. You can email Coach Rocco at regarding any absences going forward.

If your child is involved in the Jump Start program, please make sure he or she is still running! Running times are posted below. We still want to keep practices in the morning due to the heat. 

Here's this week's schedule:

  • Monday 8/5               Learwood     8:30 - 10 a.m.
  • Tuesday 8/6               ALHS Track   8:30 - 10 a.m.
  • Wednesday 8/7        ALHS Track    8:30 - 10 a.m.
  • Thursday 8/8            ALHS Track     8:30 - 10 a.m.
  • Friday 8/9                 Learwood       8:30 - 10 a.m.

Here's this week's running times:

  • Monday
    • 28 - 38 minutes
    • 70-75% HR max = 146 - 156 bpm
    • 135 - 156 bpm = 37 - 39 beats per 15 seconds
  • Tuesday
    • 20 minutes
    • 65-75% HR max = 135 - 156 bpm
    • 135 - 156 bpm = 34 - 39 beats per 15 seconds
  • Wednesday   
    • 4 x 4 minutes at 80-85% HR MAX
    • 166 - 178 bpm = 42 - 45 beats per 15 seconds
  • Thursday
    • 20 - 30 minutes EASY JOGGING (recovery run)
  • Friday             
    • 15 minutes
    • 65-75% HR max = 135 - 156 bpm
    • 135 - 156 bpm = 34 - 39 beats per 15 seconds
  • Saturday        
    • 60 minutes cardio