Cross Country Athletes & Parents:
Here’s what’s going on this week:
· Parents, THANK YOU for bringing the pizza to the Cloverleaf Invitational! That was awesome!
· Lost & Found: we have missing items in our classrooms. Please stop by to claim your items! Any lost items, by the end of the season, will be donated to charity.
· We are going to be registering our team for the OHSAA Middle School Invitational (State Meet) very soon. We are planning on taking the top 20 boys & 20 girls on our team (who are interested in going). Please let us know if you’re interested in participating in this meet! The meet will be held in Lancaster, Ohio, on Saturday, October 24th—athletes who will be competing at this meet will be practicing the week prior to this meet!
· The end of the season is quickly approaching! With the end of our season soon upon us, the coaching staff is planning some fun activities that hopefully will promote team-building and an appreciation for the hard work put in this season! The next 2 weeks’ activities include:
Thursday, October 1st Avon Lake ‘Fun Run’
Saturday, October 10th Dairy Queen AFTER Jack Wilhelm Invitational (parents can pick up athletes from Avon Lake Dairy Queen)
Saturday, October 17th End-of-season Bowling Celebration (after SWCs)
Avon Lake Fun Run Information:
· I reserved Kopf Reservation for this event—but there will still be other patrons of the park so runners will have to make sure they are aware of their surroundings when they’re running!
· We will need a few volunteers to man the course so runners know exactly where they’re running. Our runners are very familiar with the course, but Amherst might need some help. I made a map and we’ll have our kids walk the course with them, but if you can help out at all, let us know! I’ll be getting to the high school early tomorrow (around 3 p.m.) if you would like to meet me there.
· NO SPIKES! Make sure runners are wearing their ‘normal’ running shoes.
· We got buses to transport our kids from Learwood to the high school, but we WILL NOT be returning to Learwood! Athletes will need to be picked up at the high school after the race!
· We’re taking the day off on Friday, so make sure all runners get a 35 minute run in at some point this weekend!
Here’s the schedule:
4:20 - 8th grade girls
4:40 - 8th grade boys
5:00 - 7th grade girls
5:20 - 7th grade boys