Monday, July 22, 2019


REMIND is limiting its participants to 150 per group by tomorrow, July 23rd. With our team, we're going to exceed that amount. So, here's what we're going to do:
  • We'll have to shut down our current class (we're way above the limit)
  • We're going to set up two classes, one for each grade level (we'll send the same texts to each group)
  • GRADE 7 team members, text @learcc7 to the number 81010 to receive texts
  • GRADE 8 team members, text @learcc8 to the number 81010 to receive texts
  • One last thing, REMIND texts are only one-way communications (I've turned off two-way communication). This means the coaching staff can only text you, but you cannot text us. However, you can contact us at the following email addresses:

Sunday, July 21, 2019

NEW Athlete Requirement: Lindsay's Law

Athletes are required to complete the following NEW requirement (as of two years ago) for all Avon Lake athletics: Lindsay's Law.

Please visit the following link: LINDSAY'S LAW, read the directions, watch the video, then print, sign, and return the form to the coaching staff! We'll document that each athlete has completed the requirement, then turn it in to the Athletic Department at Learwood.

Thanks for your cooperation regarding Lindsay's Law!

Fall Sports Meeting TUESDAY, JULY 23rd

Parents, Learwood's Fall Sports Meeting will be held at Learwood on Tuesday, July 23rd, at 6 p.m. Here's the itinerary:

  • 6-6:20 p.m. Auditorium (meet with Athletic Director)
  • 6:20-7 p.m. Choir room (cross country meeting)

Please plan on attending, as we will go over our season, team expectations, and we'll answer any questions regarding the sport. The Athletic Department has told us they'll have extra copies of all required paperwork. Athletes and parents are encouraged to attend.

We'll see everyone on Tuesday, July 23rd!

Saturday, July 20, 2019

Conditioning Sessions: July 22nd - July 31st

Cross Country Conditioning begins Monday, July 22nd and will go through Wednesday, July 31st. We will meet from 8:30-10 a.m. at the ALHS Track (meet at the caboose). Please wear clothes suitable for practice (you might get dirty), running shoes, and water! We will still remain on campus (or Kopf Reservation) for these sessions. We will meet Monday-Friday the first week, then Monday, Tuesday, and Wednesday the following week. Our first official day of practice will be Thursday, August 1st.

If you cannot make it to a session, that's okay! We know families' schedules vary at this time of year. However, if you can't make it to a session, make sure you are running on your own. I'm attaching general running times below--pick a time listed below (or a time in between the times listed) to run on the days you will NOT be in attendance.

Everyone is doing extremely well so far! Keep up the good work and we'll see everyone this week and next!

  • Monday          7/22          14-24-34 minutes
  • Tuesday         7/23          12-22-32 minutes
  • Wednesday    7/24           16-26-36 minutes
  • Thursday       7/25           14-24-34 minutes
  • Friday           7/26           10 minutes
  • Saturday       7/27            Cardio (something other than running)
  • Sunday          7/28            Off
  • Monday         7/29            18-28-38 minutes
  • Tuesday        7/30            16-26-36 minutes
  • Wednesday   7/31             20-30-40 minutes