We're having a pre-season cross country meeting on Thursday, May 27th, at 3:10 p.m. in the Learwood Auditorium. Here are a few details:
- The meeting is for BOTH incoming 7th graders and 8th graders (our entire team this past fall)
- Both Coach Rocco (Learwood) and Coach Juergens (ALHS) will conduct the meeting
- Once we meet as an entire group, we will split up into middle school & high school groups and we'll talk to each group individually
A couple other notes:
- Any other student interested in joining the team is encouraged to attend
- If you know of any one who may be interested in joining the team, make sure to recruit them!
- We will be reaching out to interested Troy students who will be attending Learwood next year
- We will be updating the REMIND lists soon (deleting high school students, re-assigning incoming 8th grade students, and adding incoming 7th grade students)
- There is still a lot we have to find out about this upcoming season, but it looks like it will reflect a more traditional season...that means we plan on starting earlier this year!
- If you can't make the meeting, that's okay! We'll post sign-up information on the blog and text it out so you can stay in the loop with everything regarding the team.
I'm still coaching Track & Field at the high school, but I'll be transitioning to cross country in a few weeks. If you have questions I'll try my best to answer them but I might not get back to you immediately. At this stage we just want to get athletes signed up and we want to recruit prospective runners.
Looking forward to seeing everyone again!