Thursday, September 6, 2012

Tiffin Information



Cross Country Parents:

Here’s the information regarding the Tiffin Carnival:

·         Athletes need to be at Learwood at 9:00 a.m.
·         Bus leaves at 9:15 a.m.
·         Boys’ Team runs at 1:05 p.m.
Alex Holtz, Andy Shee, Stefan Nieschwitz, Pete Shepherd, Matt Timar, Michael Petrus, Dan Francy
·         Girls’ Team runs at 1:50 p.m.
Sarah Lucas, Allison Shryock, Taylor Baiers, Ali Sorensen, Mary Ross, Jo Klingshirn, Shaye McManaman
·         Boys’ Open (all other boy runners) runs at 2:15 p.m.
·         Girls’ Open (all other girl runners) runs at 2:40 p.m.
·         Our estimated time of arrival back at Learwood is 6 p.m. (maybe earlier). We will have athletes call home when we are almost back in Avon Lake!

Here’s what we can tell you about what we know about Tiffin:

·         We have not gone to Tiffin the past 2 years so it is a meet we all need to get used to (including coaches). We took the athletes to this race 3 years ago and they LOVED it! It’s a long day, and quite a ride, but it is one of the biggest cross country races in the nation that day! You will see some awesome competition!
·         Meet is held at Hedges-Boyer Park (491 Coe Street, Tiffin OH)
·         All information at meet can be found at tent near finish line (located near finish line…directions I have state the ‘start and finish are located in the upper oval of the course’)
·         Results are NOT on baumspage! Results will be available at
·         All runners will need to turn in their computer chips in the bullpen area after their race!
·         Apparel is available and costs between $10 - $35
·         Runners: the entire course is marked with a painted white line.
·         Parents: meet managers request spectators do NOT park on or near the course. They also note there MAY be a delay in start times for the middle school races.
·         Parents also are reminded to sign out athletes with Coach Walters. The finish line is SUPER congested at this meet so why don’t we plan on meeting at the campsite. We’ll try to be accommodating but if sign-outs can occur at the campsite before or after races, that would be convenient for everyone. Signing out during races can be hectic!
·         Athletes will want to eat a BIG breakfast Saturday morning. They also will need to pack a LARGE lunch to eat after their races. We also recommend bringing a pre-race snack to eat. Parents, this is completely OPTIONAL, but if you want to provide snacks for the kids, that would be great! If not, we understand. It’s a bit much to ask parents to donate more than you’ve already donated with the Friday Night Dinners…so if we want to just have kids bring their own food, that’s fine. But…I’m going to provide extra water for the kids so they stay hydrated. If you want to bring granola bars, bananas, apples, etc., let me know and/or feel free to stop by my classroom tomorrow during the dinner!
·         That should be it! Any questions, let us know!

About the team:

·         The team is improving! We’re having a great year so far. The hard part is maintaining a level of commitment and improving on our good start! The next 2 races are on BEAUTIFUL courses!
·         Continue to display excellent sportsmanship at this meet—we get a lot of compliments from other teams/coaches on the size, talent, and especially the behavior of our Avon Lakers. Keep this up as well!
·         This meet will help determine who runs team/open races at next week’s Wadsworth Invitational. The top 7 runners will be on team, all other runners will be open runners, but all runners will have the opportunity to run.
·         All apparel orders are due Sunday, September 9th! Check the previous email sent out and/or the website with information.
  • The kids voted on a quote for the back of their t-shirts. This was the winning quote:


  • Finally, if an athlete is injured you can take him/her to the ALHS trainer at the high school. She is available after school, but said 3:30 – 4 p.m. is the least busy time. Also, last year there was a doctor there on Tuesdays from 3 – 3:30 p.m. (free of charge). No appointment is necessary to see the trainer.

Thanks for your help so far this season, see you Saturday!
Coach Rocco
Coach Walters

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