Monday, January 28, 2013

Running Club

Distance Runners & Parents:


Here’s the next 2 weeks’ schedule for Running Club. Remember to email me if you’re planning on attending Saturday sessions at the Rocky River Metroparks (which start on Saturday, February 16th). We should be gone from 10 a.m. – noon(ish). If we get enough runners interested we may be able to get a bus.


Coach Rocco


Wednesday, January 30th             Learwood            3 – 4 p.m.            32 minutes

Friday, February 1st                         Learwood            3 – 4 p.m.            30 minutes

Saturday, February 2nd                   ALHS Track          10 – 11 a.m.        Miracle Miles


Wednesday, February 6th             Learwood            3 – 4 p.m.            34 minutes

Friday, February 8th                         Learwood            3 – 4 p.m.            32 minutes

Saturday, February 9th                   ALHS Track          10 – 11 a.m.        Miracle Miles


Thursday, January 24, 2013

Running Club

Distance Runners & Parents:


Running Club will be canceled this week due to the low temperatures.


I will send out the next 2 weeks’ schedule in the near future. We are going to start hill work/stadium step workouts on Saturdays—hopefully starting next week. Athletes are strongly encouraged to attend these sessions. We will start with stadium steps and then progress to hill work sessions.


Which leads me to our next (potential) problem. If we want to go to the Rocky River Metroparks to do hill work (which I would like to start in a few weeks), we need to have a good number of athletes involved to justify the expense of getting a bus to drive us there. So…I’m going to ask if you could email me if you’re planning on going to these sessions on the following dates so I can report back to the athletic department that it is a good expense to incur to the district. If it is deemed not to be so, we may have to see if carpooling is an option. But…let’s see if you’re interested first!

Here are the proposed dates (in bold)…all Saturdays:



February 2nd       Miracle Miles

February 9th        Miracle Miles


February 16th     Hill work at Metroparks

February 23rd     Hill work at Metroparks

March 1st             Hill work at Metroparks

March 8th             Hill work at Metroparks


Just let me know if you plan on attending ANY of these sessions! Email works…I just need an approximate number for the athletic department. Thanks!

Coach Rocco


Monday, January 14, 2013

Running Club Update

Distance Runners & Parents:


I’ve updated the next two weeks’ schedule for the Running Club. I’m starting to work with the varsity track team this week, so the schedule may change. Please check the announcements for any cancellations.


It is crucial for all distance runners to run 3-4 times per week! Attendance is optional at this point in the off-season training, but make sure you are running! From this point on (January through the 1st week of March), it is vitally important to get out and run. If running outside is not an option due to weather, treadmill running, elliptical, or even recumbent bike indoors are all great options. Don’t over-do it—remember, you are now training for 400, 800, and 1600 meter races (as opposed to 3200 meter races in cross country) but do make sure you show up to the pre-season training with Coach Arebaugh ready to go!


We are going to continue incorporating dynamic stretches in our sessions. Make sure to static stretch either at the conclusion of our sessions or at home! This is important as well.


Lastly, Coach Walters and I are going to (finally) get around to doing our uniform inventory. I’ve got to clean out my room! If you still haven’t turned in your uniform, please do so! Uniforms should be placed in a bag with your name labeled on it. We’ll remind specific athletes of this.


Any questions or concerns, please let us know!

Coach Rocco

Coach Walters


Monday, January 14                      RUN ON OWN FOR 24 MINUTES

Wednesday, January 16                Learwood            3 – 4 p.m.            24 minutes

Friday, January 18                            Learwood            3 – 4 p.m.            28 minutes

Saturday, January 19                      ALHS Track          10 – 11 a.m.        26 minutes


Monday, January 21                       Learwood            3 – 4 p.m.            26 minutes

Wednesday, January 23                Learwood            3 – 4 p.m.            30 minutes

Friday, January 25                            Learwood            3 – 4 p.m.            28 minutes

Saturday, January 26                      ALHS Track          10 – 11:45 a.m.  28 minutes

This session MAY turn into a hill work session at the Metro Parks in Rocky River. I have to see if I can get a bus—if I can then I’ll let everyone know. If not…maybe we can carpool out there? More info. to come on this!