Distance Runners & Parents:
Running Club will be canceled
this week due to the low temperatures.
I will send out the next 2
weeks’ schedule in the near future. We are going to start hill work/stadium
step workouts on Saturdays—hopefully starting next week. Athletes are strongly
encouraged to attend these sessions. We will start with stadium steps and then
progress to hill work sessions.
Which leads me to our next
(potential) problem. If we want to go to the Rocky River Metroparks to do hill
work (which I would like to start in a few weeks), we need to have a good
number of athletes involved to justify the expense of getting a bus to drive us
there. So…I’m going to ask if you could email me if you’re planning on going to
these sessions on the following dates so I can report back to the athletic
department that it is a good expense to incur to the district. If it is deemed
not to be so, we may have to see if carpooling is an option. But…let’s see if
you’re interested first!
Here are the proposed dates (in bold)…all Saturdays:
Here are the proposed dates (in bold)…all Saturdays:
January 26th
February 2nd
Miracle Miles
February 9th
Miracle Miles
February 16th
Hill work at Metroparks
February 23rd
Hill work at Metroparks
March 1st
Hill work at Metroparks
March 8th
Hill work at
Just let me know if you plan on
attending ANY of these sessions! Email works…I just need an approximate number
for the athletic department. Thanks!
Coach Rocco
Coach Rocco
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