Here’s our weekly update:
- We had an awesome meet last week! Both boys’ and girls’ teams beat all the SWC schools! Congrats on two great meets to kick off our season!
- Execution was phenomenal again! We set up camp, broke it down, and supported each other throughout the entire meet! Our goal this week is to keep up this consistency.
- Picture Day for athletes is Thursday, September 5th! We notified all athletes of this at practice. Please bring your shirt, shorts, and jacket for our team and individual pictures.
- Just another reminder: if you need to switch any piece of uniform, let us know. We are still waiting on the additional shirts for the guys, but we can make what we’ve been given work. Just let us know on Friday at the dinner!
- Attention parents: we have a TON of paper plates, plastic cups, plastic silverware, and napkins from last Friday’s dinner. So to all those parents out there organizing this week’s dinner…don’t worry about getting any of that stuff! I’ve got everything in my room and I’ll get out of practice early Friday to get you what you need.
- Apparel orders should be in next week. This is based on our history ordering through this company, so this is just my best guess. But we should be good to go before the Wadsworth Invite.
- I still have to confirm this, but we’ll more than likely be at Cahoon Park again on Monday, September 9th. Parents, just a heads-up.
- Injuries…please let us know! The trainer at the high school is very good, very nice, and…she’s very free. It doesn’t cost you anything to go see her. Although, Coach Arebaugh’s really good at diagnosing problems and he’s good at treating them (better than me). So let us know at the end of practice, or head up to the Athletic Office at the high school after school to see if Miss Reading can assist you! If she’s not in the trainer’s office she’ll be on the football field but she said you can meet her there too.
Tiffin Carnival Information (ATHLETES):
- Okay, SWC Preview was about seeing what we’ve got and what everyone else in the SWC has. Avon Lake Earlybird was our first big meet, and our home meet. Tiffin Carnival is all about SIZE! It’s the biggest meet we’ll attend this year! We get to compete against schools we won’t see again for the rest of the year! The best advice for this week: enjoy it! You’ve just got to experience it.
- We will meet at Troy at 9:10 a.m. Saturday, and we should return between 5:30 – 6 p.m.
- Eat a good breakfast for this one! You don’t have to wake up super early. Parents, kids should pack a good, healthy lunch as they will be eating their pre-race meal once we get to Tiffin. Food high in carbohydrates are preferred. Remember that food helps build up the necessary glycogen, which produces the energy needed in races. Pasta, whole wheat bread, bagels, cereal (Cheerios…but watch the bus floor because you’ll be the one cleaning it up), apples, bananas, grapes, orange juice (limited quantity), yogurt, 1 chocolate cookie…these are examples of good food to bring as part of your lunch, which is vitally important as that is your pre-race meal.
- We want to eat our pre-race meal (lunch) 2-4 hours before our race. So we’ll let the team know when they should eat.
- Bring a healthy snack home, along with enough to drink. You’ll need something before your race, something after (water AND sports drink). You can also bring money and buy some unhealthy food after your race.
- Again, we’ll be stressing healthy eating/drinking this season. But it’s good to have one ‘cheat’ meal a week…maybe make the pizza you eat after the race that reward for a week of healthy eating.
- You might want to bring sandals, but this is one meet where your feet will probably remain dry.
- We won’t be able to walk the entire course, as races will be held throughout the day, but the entire course is marked with a spray-painted white line.
- Results will be posted on Tiffin’s school website:
- I’ll be sending out our Weekly ‘Cheat Sheet’ tomorrow!
Tiffin Carnival Information (PARENTS):
- Information from Tiffin’s website can be found here:
- We will meet at Troy at 9:10 a.m. Saturday, and we should return between 5:30 – 6 p.m.
- Make sure kids get a healthy breakfast and that they pack a healthy lunch (plus more food than normal…it’s going to be a long day).
- There will be food and t-shirts available.
- Watch the time…it is very hectic parking at this meet, since it’s so large. We try to get there a little early so kids can eat, and so we have enough time to find a place to set up camp. Plus, the buses have to wait to get into the park, so it takes time. I would leave earlier than what your GPS says so you’re not rushed!
- The race is held at Hedges-Boyer Park (491 Coe Street, Tiffin, OH).
- The meet managers encourage spectators to enter the park using the rear entrance off Summit Street and to park at the bottom of the park. You have to walk to the start/finish (pretty much the same place), but it’s worth it as you’ll end up sitting in your car if you try entering the top of the park (they stop traffic during races).
- The map for this race is really hard to read, but I found a better one online:
The start is naturally a good place to be, then turn
left, as the kids will run out, turn left, and come back. Then, if you can jog
(or walk fast) to the softball field and/or woods, that’s another good place to
be. Then find a good spot at the finish! There are a lot of people there so
maybe get a little away from the finish…lining up along the last turn to the
finish isn’t bad…the kids will be able to see and hear you there.
Boys Team – 1:05 p.m.
Chris Stepak
Michael Petrus
Daniel Francy
Charlie Krause
Ian Stewart
Patrick Neipp
Michael Whalen
Girls Team – 1:50 p.m.
Lauren Davis
Taylor Baiers
Faith Lengen
Mackenzie Tyson
Maggie Brion
Emma Murdock
Bailey Shee
Boys Open – 2:15 p.m.
All other boys!
Girls Open – 2:50 p.m.
All other girls!
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