Tuesday, July 22, 2014

Cross Country Update

Cross country practice is canceled today...Wed. 7/23

Greetings Cross Country Families,

The pre-season has started and we are excited because, so far, we already have about 45 runners.  This is a huge number, since a lot of runners join closer to the official start date.  This just may be the biggest team yet.

A couple of reminders and updates:

#1.  All Med Forms/Physical Forms are due Friday, August 1st.  Click here for the online forms.   If you are a returning 8th grader there is a chance that your physical has not expired yet.  Next week, I will have a list of 8th grade physicals.  If you do NOT have ALL forms turned in on August 1st you CANNOT practice.  

HINT:  When you fill out the Med Form (Click here to see what I am referring to) I would HIGHLY suggest scanning it in your computer or keeping some sort of digital copy.  You will have to fill one out for the school's office and you will have to fill one out for EVERY sport they play this year. 

#2.  This year we are trying something new.  We are having a Cross Country Kick-Off Picnic before the school year starts.  We thought it would be fun to get the families together.  The picnic will be at French Creek Nature Center Pine Tree Picnic area.  It is off of French Creek Rd just past Abbe Road. To make this picnic a success we will need the families to volunteer to bring food/supplies.  I have created an online sign-up form.  
1. You will need to enter this code to sign up for an item:  2014Cross
2. Click here to access it.  

Kick Off Picnic Details
1. Tuesday, August 12th 
2.  5:00pm-6:15 Practice on the trails
3. 6:30-dusk  Food/Games/Fun

#3.  Please make sure to follow learwoodnews on both Instagram and Twitter for news and information.


Coach Walters 


  1. Hi, my daughter is a new 7th graders on the team… Is there any way to get email notifications when this blog is updated? I don't want to miss anything! :)

  2. I believe, if you "FOLLOW" this site, you will get an email every time I post something.
