Monday, August 31, 2015

Early Bird Prep

Cross Country Athletes & Parents:

Here’s our weekly update:

·         We had an awesome start to our competition season last Saturday! Both teams won the SWC Preview! Now we have a big target on our backs for the rest of the season. We’ll have to keep working hard to hold off the SWC competition this season.

·         Just another reminder: bring water and a watch to practice every day! We are working on intervals on the track and don’t always have access to water! We also are working on pacing so athletes need to continue timing themselves on intervals, along with keeping track of normal workout times and making sure we are aware of the ‘normal’ time!
·   Wednesday bring your spikes! We’re going to have a ‘shoe check’ before practice.
·         Please let us know if there are any issues with uniforms!
·         Parents, the cafeteria was SPOTLESS on Friday! Normally I am there to help clean up, but was busy with uniforms last week. If you need help accessing rags/mops, let one of the coaches know!  Also, when putting the cafeteria back together please do the following: 1. Fold up the tables but leave them in their original place 2.  Stack the chairs in stacks of 6 and leave them near their table.  
·         Athletes seem to be doing pretty well injury-wise, besides a few aches and pains. The big thing we’re noticing is tight calf muscles. We’ll go over some stretches to help with this throughout the week, but athletes need to make sure they are stretching right after practice, at night, and on Saturdays/Sundays. If there is consistent, long-lasting pain, let us know (Coach Arebaugh is awesome at this), as we can help schedule a time to see the trainer at the high school. She’s really nice and the service is free to all Avon Lake athletes. Just email us to let us know.
Mock Meet Results:
I know everyone’s excited over the SWC Preview results, but let’s not overlook the 2nd Annual Avon Lake Intra-Squad Meet results! Here are the results:
Meet Champions             172         Green Gangstaz               (from the cul-de-sacs of Avon Lake)      
Ryan Keller, Dominic Houdeshell, Cole Patton, Sam Baugh, Eddie Wolski, Chris Haynes, Clay Ledbetter, Thomas Cline
Runners-Up                       181         Maroon Runnerz             
                                                190         Blue Greg Arebaughs!  
                                                195         Yellow Fast & Furious Thunder Nuggets
                                                                (won on a tie-breaker)
                                                195         Gray Greasers
                                                199         The Red Team (very original)
                                                220         Team Owen
                                                255         Chasing Cheet-ohs
Here is the information for Earlybird:
  • We will be meeting at TROY (not Learwood), on Saturday, September 5th, at 6:00 a.m. This is an early one again, but right now weather is a concern (86 degrees, extremely high humidity) so the earlier we can run, the better. Buses leave at 6:05 a.m. We should return between 10 – 10:15 a.m. at Troy. We will have athletes call to be picked up so parents do not have to wait!
  • We have been talking about HYDRATION for the past several weeks. Please keep hydrating prior to Saturday. The next week and a half look very hot & humid, so we’ve got to prepare as much as possible!
  • All BOYS run at 8:00 a.m.
  • All GIRLS run at 8:30 a.m.
  • This race will determine who runs TEAM and OPEN at the Tiffin Carnival next Saturday! We will talk about that on Friday!
  • Bring uniform, apparel, running shoes AND spikes (if you have them). You will only wear your spikes for the race. Bring a cell phone, water, your weekly sports drink (just one), and a healthy snack!
  • Last week everyone experienced the ‘wet feet’ associated with running a race so early in the morning. Just a piece of advice, bring sandals to ride home in as you’ll want to dry out your soaking wet feet on the trip home.
  • Another reminder: if you wear compression shirts, shorts, or just regular shirts/shorts underneath your uniform, it has to be BLACK!
  •  Parents, if you are taking your child home from the meet please make sure to sign out with Coach Walters at the finish line. Only parents can sign out athletes from the meet!
  •  After the race, results will be posted online at On that webpage, click on Cross Country. Then scroll down to Avon Lake Earlybird (9/5/15). Click there to find out results. Please note: results may not be updated until later in the day that Saturday or perhaps even into the day on Sunday.
  •  Parents, course map this week is the same as last week. It’s best to view athletes running at the start line, at the mile mark (by the tennis courts), and then at the finish. If you really want to cheer kids on where they will totally hear you, the base of the hill is also a good spot (I usually go there…they need some cheerleaders there!). The downside is you might not get to see the finish. These locations are fairly close to each other so you should be able to walk to each location without difficulty! I have extra copies of the course map in my BIG maroon bag (you can’t miss it, it says: AVON LAKE TRACK & FIELD). Feel free to grab one on race day.
  • 6 ½ weeks until the SWC CHAMPIONSHIP!

Coaches Arebaugh, Rocco, & Walters

Thursday, August 27, 2015

Early Bird

Cross Country Athletes & Parents:
Here’s information regarding our team this week:

·         I’m including the link to the informational packet passed out at our Parent Meeting here.

·         Another reminder: Bring running shorts, shirt, shoes, long-sleeve t/hoody (for when it gets colder/rains), water (multiple bottles), and a light, healthy snack!
·         Our 1st Friday Night Dinner is planned for this Friday, August 21st! Parents, we will be meeting in the auditorium after our practice for our team meeting, then we’ll head to the cafeteria around 4:45 p.m. Coach Walters and I will help get rags and mops for clean-up.
·         Parents: I’ve got the following items from last year’s Friday Night Dinners in my classroom (should you need supplies). These are estimates:
250  per plates, 700 napkins, 48 cups, & 240 plastic forks
·         We just passed out uniforms yesterday (we’ll pass out jackets on Friday at the Friday Night Dinner). Any issues with uniforms/jackets, let us know by Friday!
·         If your athlete is complaining of injury, let me know so we can set up a meeting with the ALHS athletic trainer at the high school. If athletes are not diagnosed with an injury, they are expected to run at practice! So far we’re pretty good but please let us know so we can monitor any issues. We want to peak at the SWC Championship and making sure we are all healthy is the best way to accomplish that goal.
SWC PREVIEW Information:
·         We will be meeting at TROY (not Learwood), on Saturday, August 29th, at 6:00 a.m. Buses leave at 6:05 a.m. We should return between 10:00 – 10:15 a.m. at the same location. We will have athletes call to be picked up so parents do not have to wait!
·         Please remember to pick up your child in a timely manner as coaches have to wait for every athlete to be picked up.
·         All GIRLS run at 8:00 a.m.
·         All BOYS run at 8:30 a.m.
·         Bring uniform, apparel, running shoes AND spikes (if you have them). You will only wear your spikes for the race. Also, bring sandals to wear afterward, as your feet, socks, and shoes will be wet! Trust us, it’s a much better ride home if your feet are dry! Bring a cell phone, water, sports drink (just one), and a healthy snack!
·         Remember, if you wear compression shirts, shorts, or just regular shirts/shorts underneath your uniform, it has to be BLACK! Officials are much better with the logos, but make sure your shirts/shorts are a solid color (black). We’ll review this at our team meeting on Friday.
·          Parents, if you are taking your child home from the meet please make sure to sign out with Coach Walters. She will be either at the finish line or the campsite. Only parents can sign out athletes from the meet!
·          After the race, results will be posted online at On that webpage, click on Cross Country. Then scroll down to Southwestern Conference Preview (8/29/15). Click there to find out results. Please note: results may not be updated until later in the day that Saturday or perhaps even into the day on Sunday.
·          Parents, we will include a course map on the blog site. It’s best to view athletes running at the start line, at the mile mark (by the tennis courts), and then at the finish. If you really want to cheer kids on where they will totally hear you, the base of the hill is also a good spot (I usually go there…they need some cheerleaders there!). The downside is you might not get to see the finish. These locations are fairly close to each other so you should be able to walk to each location without difficulty!

Coaches Arebaugh, Rocco, & Walters

Friday, August 21, 2015

Mock Meet

Be at the high school at 9am.  Meet should finish by 11am or sooner.

Make sure to bring water and wear your team color!

Thursday, August 13, 2015

Blog Subscription Sign-Up

To the right of this posting is a spot where you can enter in your email address.  When you enter in your email address, you will subscribe to this blog.  That way every time I make a new post it should send you an alert (if I did this correctly).

Dinner Sign Up

Just to let you know, the Friday Night Dinner sign-up is now available!

Coach Walters

Wednesday, August 12, 2015

Cross Country Apparel

Parents and Athletes,

If you are interested in ordering cross country apparel here is the information:

2015  Online Order Information

Online Ordering OPENS: Wednesday,  August 12th CLOSES Tuesday, August 25th -- NO LATE ORDERS ACCEPTED.  You Snooze--you lose.  

 1. Click here to get to the order form. 
2. Go to the website
3. Click My Team Shop
4.  Click Log in and enter this code
5.  Place your order and pay

Don't forget--Fall Parent Meeting is Tonight! @ Learwood @ 7pm

Thursday, August 6, 2015

VNN Sports App

I don't know if this is NEW this year or I am just getting around to discovering it, but there is an app called VNN SPORTS (Varsity News Network) that you can install on your iPHONE and I believe ANDROID.  Once you install it, you will be asked to put in your school district.  From there, you can select all the sports you are interested in following (i.e middle school cross country, Varsity Football).  When you start following the sports a schedule will pop up (if the schedule is entered--our schedule is entered).  What is awesome it it will give you a map to where the races are located.  I highly recommend getting this APP!

Click here for more information!

Wednesday, August 5, 2015

Cross Country Update

REMINDER:  The Cross Country Picnic is THURSDAY, AUGUST 13th-- 

FYI - I think 301 S (Abbe) will still be closed btw 611 and French Creek next week. Everyone will have to take 611 to E. River to French Creek. I'll be there as soon as I can after work and can do whatever is needed to help out. ~ Thank you Mrs. Matuszak for the update!!  

Here is a map of the trails and picnic areas--remember--you do NOT get to this park from Colorado road.  There is an entrance off of FRENCH CREEK road that you need to take.  

Click here for the map!  We are the PINE TREE PICNIC AREA! 

Cross Country Athletes:

If you are missing practice the next 2 ½ weeks, here is the alternate workout schedule. I’m including distances for athletes to run if they cannot make it to a session. If you are going to miss practice due to a family commitment, it’s extremely important for you to maintain your proper running shape!
Practice Week #1
Monday, August 3rd                        16 – 26 – 36 minutes
                Tuesday, August 4th                        20 – 30 – 40 minutes
                Wednesday, August 5th                 18 – 28 – 38 minutes
                Thursday, August 6th                       22 – 32 – 42 minutes
                Friday, August 7th                             15 minutes
                Saturday, August 8th                       30 minute bike ride
Practice Week #2
                Monday, August 10th                      10 – 20 – 30 minutes
                Tuesday, August 11th                      14 – 24 – 34 minutes
                Wednesday, August 12th               12 – 22 – 32 minutes
                Thursday, August 13th                    16 – 26 – 36 minutes
                Friday, August 14th                           15 minutes
                Saturday, August 15th                     30 minute bike ride
Practice Week #3 (until school starts)
                Monday, August 17th                      14 – 24 – 34 minutes
                Tuesday, August 18th                      18 – 28 – 38 minutes

Saturday, August 1, 2015

2nd Annual Cross Country Kick-Off Picnic

Parents and Runners,

We have set the date for our 2nd Annual Cross Country Kick-Off picnic.  Here are the details:

When:  Thursday, August 13th  5pm-6:15 (Practice)  6:30-8:00pm food and games
Where:  French Creek Nature Center Pine Tree Picnic Shelter #1 
Why:  To meet the families and kick off the season

If you plan on attending the picnic please sign up for an item to bring in.  Please play close attention to the RSVP number, that will help you determine how much of the item you need to bring (i.e if you sign up for plates).   Each family is responsible for bringing in their own beverage.  

Here is the link to the sign-up

If you have any questions or if there is something vital missing on the sign up--please email Mrs. Walters


Coach Walters