Thursday, August 19, 2021

Thursday's Practice

Hey everyone, there are a few things about today's practice I'd like to preview with you:

  • FIRST: If you have an idea for a quote for our team, make sure to fill out the Google Form and submit it today!
  • We'll meet at ALHS (caboose) at 3 p.m.
  • We might be done by 4:15 p.m., but that's just our best guess.
  • Bring water!
  • Regular practice attire should be worn, do NOT wear your uniform.
  • Regular running shoes should be worn, do NOT wear spikes.
  • We'll start and finish the race behind the stadium, and you'll run through Kopf Reservation.
  • We'll gather the teams together, figure out who's in attendance, and adjust teams accordingly.
  • Coach Peepers will be leading everyone on his bike, but make sure to be aware of others in the park...look both ways when you make a turn.
  • You are racing today! So make sure to run your hardest. Pace yourself as best you can, then on the final stretch back to the stadium, you can start your kick.
  • When you finish the race, one coach will yell out your time (this is only for you, we won't be documenting times's a 1.8-mile run not 2.0 miles).
  • Another coach will give you a card with your place on it, keep that card. 
  • Cheer on your teammates after you finish.
  • Gather your team together and stay together. 
  • Once everyone is back from your team, add up the places (points) on your cards, then double-check your math. 
  • Report your score to Coach Rocco, and once we get all scores we'll have our awards ceremony.
  • (There will be no actual awards, we'll just go over the places of each team)
  • After the 'ceremony' you will stretch-down and then we'll see everyone tomorrow!
Lastly, the coaching staff would like to hold a brief 5-minute meeting with all runners who ran on the team last year.

See you all later today!

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