Sunday, January 26, 2025

Pre-Season Track & Field Training: Week #4

Here are the days we're meeting this week. We'll be outside so be prepared. You might want to bring an extra pair of shoes/socks as your feet may get wet. And keep bringing a hat and gloves!

  • Tuesday, January 28th
  • Wednesday, January 29th
  • Thursday, January 30th

If you can't make a pre-season session, here are the running times/workouts:

Week #4: 1-28, 1-29, 1-30
Day #1
12-22 minutes
Day #2
14-24 minutes
Day #3
4 x 1 minute at 75-85% HR max
This is 156-178 bpm
2 x 1 minute at same pace
4-7 total miles

Tuesday, January 21, 2025

Pre-Season Track & Field Training: Week #3

I hope everyone's staying warm. If you can run inside, get your three days of workouts in. I'll be available to meet three times this week. We'll try to get outside, but be prepared we may run inside if the wind chills are too cold:

  • Thursday, January 23rd
    • Learwood
    • 3:15 - 4 p.m.
    • We'll be running outside if the wind chills aren't bad
    • Hat and gloves are mandatory
  • Friday, January 24th
    • Same as Thursday
  • Saturday, January 25th
    • Kopf Reservation
    • We'll meet at A.L. Library parking lot
    • 10 - 10:45 a.m. (we may be done earlier)
    • Weather looks much warmer so we'll be outside

If you can't make a pre-season session, here are the running times/workouts:

Day #1
12-22 minutes
Day #2
14-24 minutes
Day #3
12-22 minutes
4-7 total miles