Thursday, March 6, 2025

Track & Field Practice: Week #2 (3/3-3/8)

Here are the workouts for the remaining couple of days this week. Make sure to run two out of the next three days:

18-28 minutes
Continuous Aerobic Running
15 - 20 minutes at 75-85% max HR
This is 156-178 bpm or 39 - 45 beats per 15 seconds

Sunday, February 23, 2025

Track & Field Practice: Week #1 (2/24-3/1)

For this week we'll still be meeting from 3:15 - 4 p.m., but we may run a little later. I'll send a text out if we're running a little late. We should be outside this week, so dress appropriately!

Here are the days we'll be meeting:

  • Monday, February 24th
  • Wednesday, February 26th
  • Thursday, February 27th
  • Friday, February 28th
  • Saturday, March 1st
If we have enough interest, we'll start our Saturday hill work sessions this Saturday. We'll go over this at practice on Monday, and I'll send out more information to everyone.

If you can't make a session this week, here are the running times/workouts:

Monday: Continuous Aerobic Running
10 - 20 minutes at 65-75% HR max (1st of 2 sets)
65-75% HR max = 135 - 156 bpm
135 - 156 bpm = 34 - 39 beats per 15 seconds
No Practice
10 minutes
8 x 1 minute at 75-85% max HR
This is 156-178 bpm
1 x 2 minute at same pace (if we have time)
This is 156-178 bpm or 39 - 45 beats per 15 seconds
10 minutes
Hill Work 3 - 4 Hills

Monday, February 17, 2025

Track & Field Conditioning: Week #3 (2/17-2/22)

The weather this week is really rough, so we won't be able to go outside until Friday & Saturday. With that said, we need to increase our volume to 5 days this week. We'll still be meeting from 3:15 - 4 p.m., but this week it will be for 3 days (you'll have to get the other two days' training on your own). I want to limit the indoor running as the hallway floors are a hard surface, so get your volume workouts on a treadmill or elliptical.

Here are the days we'll be meeting:

  • Wednesday, February 19th
  • Friday, February 21st
  • Saturday, February 22nd

If you can't make a conditioning session, here are the running times/workouts:

No Practice
No Practice
14-24 minutes
10 minutes INSIDE
Core Work & Drills
No Practice
16-26 minutes
10 minutes OUTSIDE
Core Work & Drills
10-20 minutes

Sunday, February 9, 2025

Track & Field Conditioning: Week #2 (2/10-2/15)

Here are the days we're meeting this week. We'll still be meeting from 3:15 - 4 p.m., but this week it will be for 3 days (the fourth day will be on your own). We'll be outside so be prepared. You might want to bring an extra pair of shoes/socks as your feet may get wet. And keep bringing a hat and gloves!

  • Monday, February 10th
  • Tuesday, February 11th
  • Thursday, February 13th
  • Saturday, February 15th (run on own)

If you can't make a conditioning session, here are the running times/workouts:

14 - 24 minutes at 65-75% HR max
65-75% HR max = 135 - 156 bpm
135 - 156 bpm = 34 - 39 beats per 15 seconds
4 x 1 minute at 75-85% HR max
This is 156-178 bpm
2 x 2 minute at same pace
No Practice
12-22 minutes
No Practice
10 minutes (on own)

Sunday, February 2, 2025

Track & Field Conditioning: Week #1 (2/3-2/7)

Here are the days we're meeting this week. I won't be able to make it Monday, so we're meeting Tuesday - Friday of this week. We'll still be meeting from 3:15 - 4 p.m., but for the next two weeks we'll be meeting four days per week. We'll be outside so be prepared. You might want to bring an extra pair of shoes/socks as your feet may get wet. And keep bringing a hat and gloves!

  • Tuesday, February 4th
  • Wednesday, February 5th
  • Thursday, February 6th
  • Friday, February 7th

If you can't make a conditioning session, here are the running times/workouts:

No Practice
12-22 minutes
4 x 1 minute at 75-85% HR max
This is 156-178 bpm
1 x 2 minutes at same pace
Thursday: Continuous Aerobic Run
18 - 28 minutes at 65-75% HR max
65-75% HR max = 135 - 156 bpm
135 - 156 bpm = 34 - 39 beats per 15 seconds
12-22 minutes
No Practice

Sunday, January 26, 2025

Pre-Season Track & Field Training: Week #4

Here are the days we're meeting this week. We'll be outside so be prepared. You might want to bring an extra pair of shoes/socks as your feet may get wet. And keep bringing a hat and gloves!

  • Tuesday, January 28th
  • Wednesday, January 29th
  • Thursday, January 30th

If you can't make a pre-season session, here are the running times/workouts:

Week #4: 1-28, 1-29, 1-30
Day #1
12-22 minutes
Day #2
14-24 minutes
Day #3
4 x 1 minute at 75-85% HR max
This is 156-178 bpm
2 x 1 minute at same pace
4-7 total miles