Thursday, August 29, 2013

Avon Lake Early Bird Announcements

Cross Country Athletes & Parents:
Here’s our weekly update:

  • We had an awesome start to our competition season last Saturday! The boys are right behind Brecksville, finishing 2nd in the SWC. The girls finished 4th, and have a TON of potential—that place will improve from the beginning to the end of the season (plus we have a lot of 7th graders!). We have high expectations for both teams this season.
  • Awesome execution last week! Walking the course, sticking together when going to the restrooms, setting up camp, breaking down camp, and picking up everything—it was great. We were impressed as coaches. Now we need to continue to do those good things.
  •  Coach Arebaugh has been confirmed as our 3rd coach for this season! He has a lot of experience and expertise in coaching distance runners, and is our distance coach for the Learwood Track & Field team. Welcome Coach Arebaugh to the team!
  •   Apparel orders are now closed. We should be getting our gear in 2 weeks (Wadsworth week, if all goes well).
  • Just another reminder: bring water and a watch to practice every day! We are working on intervals on the track and don’t always have access to water! We also are working on pacing so athletes need to continue timing themselves on intervals, along with keeping track of normal workout times and making sure we are aware of the ‘normal’ time!
  • If you just bought spikes this week, bring them to practice Friday and we will wear them during the short run before game day! Bring your normal shoes as well, as you will play the game in your normal running shoes.
  • If you need uniforms switched out, we just received our extra uniforms this week. We can switch out any uniforms that don’t fit. We’ll do this during the Friday Night Dinner!
  •  Parents, the cafeteria was SPOTLESS on Friday! Normally I am there to help clean up, but was busy with uniforms last week. If you need help accessing rags/mops, let one of the coaches know tomorrow!
  • All forms that still need to be turned in can be done so at the Learwood office. If we hear from them we’ll let you know!
  • Athletes seem to be doing quite well injury-wise, besides a few aches and pains. If there is consistent, long-lasting pain, let us know (Coach Arebaugh is awesome at this), as we can help schedule a time to see the trainer at the high school. She’s really nice and the service is free to all Avon Lake athletes. Just email us to let us know.
Here is the information for Earlybird:
  • We will be meeting at TROY (not Learwood), on Saturday, August 31st, at 6:00 a.m. This is an early one again. Buses leave at 6:05 a.m. We should return even earlier than last week, no later than 10:30 a.m. (probably earlier) at Troy. We will have athletes call to be picked up so parents do not have to wait!
  • Please remember to pick up your child in a timely manner as coaches have to wait for every athlete to be picked up! Last week, and this season, have been great.
  • All BOYS run at 8:00 a.m.
  • All GIRLS run at 8:30 a.m.
  • This race will determine who runs TEAM and OPEN at the Tiffin Carnival next Saturday! We will talk about that on Friday!
  • Bring uniform, apparel, running shoes AND spikes (if you have them). You will only wear your spikes for the race. Bring a cell phone, water, your weekly sports drink (just one), and a healthy snack!
  • Last week everyone experienced the ‘wet feet’ associated with running a race so early in the morning. Just a piece of advice, bring sandals to ride home in as you’ll want to dry out your soaking wet feet on the trip home.
  • Uniform violations were kept to a minimum! We looked good! Braceletes/necklaces need to be removed PRIOR to getting to the line. The officials weren’t too bad last week, they really only get nicer as the season progresses.
  • But, just remember, if you wear compression shirts, shorts, or just regular shirts/shorts underneath your uniform, it has to be BLACK! Also, only one logo on the shirt and NO LOGOS on the shorts! I’ll bring black sharpies to color in any logos, and Coach Walters and I will be at the starting line to make sure everyone is okay.
  •  Parents, if you are taking your child home from the meet please make sure to sign out with Coach Walters at the finish line. Only parents can sign out athletes from the meet!
  •  After the race, results will be posted online at On that webpage, click on Cross Country. Then scroll down to Avon Lake Earlybird (8/31/13). Click there to find out results. Please note: results may not be updated until later in the day that Saturday or perhaps even into the day on Sunday.
  •  Parents, course map this week is the same as last week. It’s best to view athletes running at the start line, at the mile mark (by the tennis courts), and then at the finish. If you really want to cheer kids on where they will totally hear you, the base of the hill is also a good spot (I usually go there…they need some cheerleaders there!). The downside is you might not get to see the finish. These locations are fairly close to each other so you should be able to walk to each location without difficulty! I have extra copies of the course map in my BIG maroon bag. Feel free to grab one on race day.
  • Athletes, here’s our Meet Cheat Sheet for this week! Awesome start to the season! We are going to have so much fun these next 8 weeks
This Week's Meet Cheat Sheet:  EARLY BIRD 
Coach Arebaugh
Coach Rocco

Coach Walters

Thursday, August 22, 2013

Week of August 19-24 News


Cross Country Athletes & Parents:
This is it! School starts this week! Here’s what’s going on regarding our team:

  • I am attaching the informational packet passed out at our Parent Meeting last week! There are 2 changes to the schedule (one correction and one addition). The OHSAA (Ohio High School Athletic Association) Middle School Invitational is an OPTIONAL meet that athletes can attend, but we can only take the top 20 boys and 20 girls to it. We’ll discuss this meet later in the season, as we find out who is eligible/able to attend.
  •  We are attaching optional cross country gear for this season. Sales begin today and the deadline is next Wednesday, August 28th. All sales are done online! We should get our gear 2 weeks after the deadline, so make sure to order everything within this time frame or delivery for everyone else may be delayed!
  •    The winning quote for the back of our t-shirt (only the t-shirt, not the other shirts) is:

  • Tomorrow is the 1st day of school! Bring running shorts, shirt, shoes, long-sleeve t/hoody (for when it gets colder/rains), water, and a light, healthy snack! We will meet by the gym for the 1st day and go over our routine for after-school practices.
  •   If you just bought new spikes: bring BOTH your regular running shoes and your spikes this FRIDAY! You can break them in at practice Friday, then change into regular shoes for our team meeting/Friday Night Dinner.
  •  Our 1st Friday Night Dinner is planned for this Friday, August 23rd! Parents, we will be meeting in the auditorium after our practice for our team meeting, then we’ll head to the cafeteria around 4:45 p.m. Coach Walters and I will help get rags and mops for clean-up.
  •  Just a reminder that Pay-to-Participate information is due this Friday, August 23rd.
  • Concussion forms need to be completed online (GBW homepage, link is also on our site). We have been asked to remind everyone that this must be completed by Friday, August 23rd.
  •  Last reminder: Learwood office also needs the Acknowledgment of Warning Form turned in by Friday as well!
  •  We will be outfitting our team uniform-wise today, tomorrow, and Friday! Any issues with uniforms/jackets, let us know after practice.
  • If your athlete is complaining of injury, let me know so we can set up a meeting with the ALHS athletic trainer at the high school. If athletes are not diagnosed with an injury, they are expected to run at practice! So far we’re pretty good but please let us know so we can monitor any issues. We want to peak at the SWC Championship and making sure we are all healthy is the best way to accomplish that goal.
Here is the information for our 1st meet:

  • We will be meeting at TROY (not Learwood), on Saturday, August 24th, at 6:25 a.m. Buses leave at 6:35 a.m. We should return between 10:30 – 10:45 a.m. at the same location. We will have athletes call to be picked up so parents do not have to wait.
  •   Please remember to pick up your child in a timely manner as coaches have to wait for every athlete to be picked up!
  •  All BOYS run at 8:30 a.m
  •  All GIRLS run at 9 a.m.
  • Bring uniform, apparel, running shoes AND spikes (if you have them). You will only wear your spikes for the race. Also, bring sandals to wear afterward, as your feet, socks, and shoes will be wet! Trust us, it’s a much better ride home if your feet are dry! Bring a cell phone, water, sports drink (just one), and a healthy snack!
  •  Remember, if you wear compression shirts, shorts, or just regular shirts/shorts underneath your uniform, it has to be BLACK! Also, only one logo on the shirt and NO LOGOS on the shorts! I’ll bring black sharpies to color in any logos, and Coach Walters and I will be at the starting line to make sure everyone is okay.
  • Parents, if you are taking your child home from the meet please make sure to sign out with Coach Walters at the finish line. Only parents can sign out athletes from the meet!
  • After the race, results will be posted online at On that webpage, click on Cross Country. Then scroll down to Southwestern Conference Preview (8/24/13). Click there to find out results. Please note: results may not be updated until later in the day that Saturday or perhaps even into the day on Sunday.
  • Parents, we will include a course map on the blog site. It’s best to view athletes running at the start line, at the mile mark (by the tennis courts), and then at the finish. If you really want to cheer kids on where they will totally hear you, the base of the hill is also a good spot (I usually go there…they need some cheerleaders there!). The downside is you might not get to see the finish. These locations are fairly close to each other so you should be able to walk to each location without difficulty!
  •  Athletes, please bear with me, but I’ve attached a ‘Meet Cheat Sheet,’ your cross country homework for the week. Study up! Be ready for Saturday!
  • Handouts...

Coach Rocco & Coach Walters

Monday, August 19, 2013

Team Dinners

Good Afternoon,

 Mrs. Furrer has volunteered to organize the team dinners this year!! THANK YOU Mrs. Furrer.

 We would love to have the first dinner this Friday, August 23; HOWEVER, it would not be a big deal if it is a week later. Please click on the link below and sign up to help out!!

 Thanks so much for all your help, Coach Walters

Sunday, August 18, 2013

Vote for your Favorite Quote

Voting closes Monday at noon.  You can only vote once... choose wisely!

Thursday, August 15, 2013

Cross Country Announcements

Cross Country Athletes & Parents:
·         Thanks for attending the Parent Meeting last night! Here is a brief summary:
1)      Pay-to-Participate is due Friday, August 23rd, and must be turned in to the Learwood office. You can bring this with you to the orientation sessions for 7th (Tuesday) and 8th (Thursday) grades.
2)      Concussion information can be found here:
3)      Practices will be from 3 – 4:45 p.m., Monday – Friday
4)      We are tentatively planning on departure from, and arrival to, Troy on Saturday meet days, per the emails we have currently received. Please let us know if this is an issue!
5)      If you plan on getting spikes, athletes should plan on getting 3/8 inch spikes. You might also want the ¼ inch spikes on days where it is drier and the course is not as muddy or if there is a lot of concrete running.
6)      You don’t have to get compression shirts or shorts, but, if you do, we agreed on getting BLACK this year. Really, we apologize to those of you who like white compression shirts/shorts, and to those of you who have already purchased the white shirts/shorts, but we talked this over last year and it just makes more sense to get the black apparel as it is easier to clean and easier to conceal logos should that be necessary. Again, you don’t NEED to buy compression apparel, you can wear regular black shirts/shorts if you want.
7)      We are attaching optional apparel information. Sales will begin next week and will end the week after!
8)      If you are interested in helping to organize Friday Night Dinners, please contact Coach Walters (
9)      Right now, it looks like the ‘hard’ cross country practices should be Tuesday – Thursdays, based on what parents have emailed so far. Let us know if this works!
10)   Lastly, here’s the competition schedule for this season! We may be adding the State Championship Meet to this, but have to discuss it with our Athletic Director first!
Day & Date                         Meet                                                     Location                               Time
Saturday     8/24                SWC Preview                                    LCCC                                      8:30 a.m.
Saturday     8/31                Avon Lake Early Bird                       LCCC                                      8:00 a.m.
Saturday     9/7                  Tiffin Carnival                                   Hedges Boyer Park         12:20 p.m.
Thursday    9/12                Avon MS Invitational                     Veterans Park                   5:00 p.m.
Saturday     9/14                Grizzly Bear Run I                            Wadsworth Park              9:00 a.m.
Saturday     9/21                Colt C.C. Invitational                      Cloverleaf High                8:40 a.m.
Saturday     9/29                Obenour Memorial Invite           Vermilion High                 9:00 a.m.
TBA                                        Westlake Fun Run                           Clague Park                        4:30 p.m.
Saturday     10/5                Jack Wilhelm Classic                      LCCC                                      10:00 a.m.
Saturday     10/12              SWC CHAMPIONSHIP                    LCCC                                      1:30 p.m.
·         Here is our schedule for the next couple of weeks:
Thursday             Recovery Day                    On your own, meet with friends, or (preferred), meet with teammates
                                                                                20 – 30 minutes swimming (preferred) or cardio (basketball, bike ride, game, rollerblading, etc.)
                                                                                or a recovery (very easy) run of 20 – 24 minutes
Friday                    8:30 – 10:30 a.m.              LEARWOOD (front doors) – bring your bike! We’ll go on a bike ride, then we’ll get our Uniforms
                Saturday              9 – 10:30 a.m.                    ALHS Track
                Monday               9 – 10:30 a.m.                    ALHS Track
                Tuesday               9 – 10:30 a.m.                    ALHS Track
                Wednesday        3 – 4:45 p.m.                      LEARWOOD (meet at LW Track)
                Thursday &         3 – 4:45 p.m.                      LEARWOOD (after school practices begin!)
Saturday              SWC Preview                     More info. to follow!

Thursday, August 1, 2013

Cross Country News

 "Running is like life, it's a long journey, but well worth it."



    Bring a watch! Athletes need to wear watches so they can: monitor heart rate, time themselves during workouts, and check the actual time if they have to leave early (this happens almost daily)
·         Bring water! Make sure you pick up your water after practice so coaches don’t have to pick up after you!
·         Review forms again…I loved how you put the encouragement to scan the documents so they have them on the computer and don’t have to re-fill anything out!
·         Attendance is mandatory! If you can’t make it to the 1st week of practice (Aug. 5th), please let us know as we will be taking attendance!
·         Remind athletes to continue to run! If athletes are not physically at practice, they need to do the workouts posted on the blog!
·         We have a huge team! Our team is rather big this year, and we know athletes are still joining as we’ve had a lot of people contacting us who are on vacation. Please encourage your friends to join as it is normal to have a lot of athletes added to the team as the school year approaches! Get the word out!
·         Here is the schedule for next week:
Monday               9 – 10:30 a.m.                    ALHS Track
Tuesday               9 – 10:30 a.m.                    ALHS Track
Wednesday        Recovery Day                    On your own, meet with friends, or (preferred), meet with                                                                                  teammates
                                                                                20 – 30 minutes swimming (preferred) or cardio                                                                                                         (basketball, bike ride, game, rollerblading, etc.)
                                                                                or a recovery (very easy) run of 20 – 24 minutes
Thursday             8:25 – 11 a.m.                    Metro Parks
                                                                                We will meet at ALHS Track BEFORE 8:30 a.m., and we’ll be                                                                                  taking a bus to the Rocky River Metro Parks for hill
work. We will return at 11 a.m. at ALHS.
                Friday                    9 – 10:30 a.m.                    ALHS Track – bring your bike! We’ll meet at the track, then                                                                                                    start our bike ride at Kopf Reservation
                Saturday              9 – 10:30 a.m.                    ALHS Track
·         Parent Meeting is scheduled for Tuesday, August 13th, from 6:30 – 7:15 p.m., in the Learwood Auditorium! Please plan on attending as we will go over our season. Topics will include: apparel you should buy, shoes, spikes, meet formats, Friday Night Dinners (and other social events we’re planning for the team), as well as how and what to watch for in a meet…this is a new sport for many so we want to make sure everyone is as educated as possible going into the season!

Coach Walters