Thursday, August 22, 2013

Week of August 19-24 News


Cross Country Athletes & Parents:
This is it! School starts this week! Here’s what’s going on regarding our team:

  • I am attaching the informational packet passed out at our Parent Meeting last week! There are 2 changes to the schedule (one correction and one addition). The OHSAA (Ohio High School Athletic Association) Middle School Invitational is an OPTIONAL meet that athletes can attend, but we can only take the top 20 boys and 20 girls to it. We’ll discuss this meet later in the season, as we find out who is eligible/able to attend.
  •  We are attaching optional cross country gear for this season. Sales begin today and the deadline is next Wednesday, August 28th. All sales are done online! We should get our gear 2 weeks after the deadline, so make sure to order everything within this time frame or delivery for everyone else may be delayed!
  •    The winning quote for the back of our t-shirt (only the t-shirt, not the other shirts) is:

  • Tomorrow is the 1st day of school! Bring running shorts, shirt, shoes, long-sleeve t/hoody (for when it gets colder/rains), water, and a light, healthy snack! We will meet by the gym for the 1st day and go over our routine for after-school practices.
  •   If you just bought new spikes: bring BOTH your regular running shoes and your spikes this FRIDAY! You can break them in at practice Friday, then change into regular shoes for our team meeting/Friday Night Dinner.
  •  Our 1st Friday Night Dinner is planned for this Friday, August 23rd! Parents, we will be meeting in the auditorium after our practice for our team meeting, then we’ll head to the cafeteria around 4:45 p.m. Coach Walters and I will help get rags and mops for clean-up.
  •  Just a reminder that Pay-to-Participate information is due this Friday, August 23rd.
  • Concussion forms need to be completed online (GBW homepage, link is also on our site). We have been asked to remind everyone that this must be completed by Friday, August 23rd.
  •  Last reminder: Learwood office also needs the Acknowledgment of Warning Form turned in by Friday as well!
  •  We will be outfitting our team uniform-wise today, tomorrow, and Friday! Any issues with uniforms/jackets, let us know after practice.
  • If your athlete is complaining of injury, let me know so we can set up a meeting with the ALHS athletic trainer at the high school. If athletes are not diagnosed with an injury, they are expected to run at practice! So far we’re pretty good but please let us know so we can monitor any issues. We want to peak at the SWC Championship and making sure we are all healthy is the best way to accomplish that goal.
Here is the information for our 1st meet:

  • We will be meeting at TROY (not Learwood), on Saturday, August 24th, at 6:25 a.m. Buses leave at 6:35 a.m. We should return between 10:30 – 10:45 a.m. at the same location. We will have athletes call to be picked up so parents do not have to wait.
  •   Please remember to pick up your child in a timely manner as coaches have to wait for every athlete to be picked up!
  •  All BOYS run at 8:30 a.m
  •  All GIRLS run at 9 a.m.
  • Bring uniform, apparel, running shoes AND spikes (if you have them). You will only wear your spikes for the race. Also, bring sandals to wear afterward, as your feet, socks, and shoes will be wet! Trust us, it’s a much better ride home if your feet are dry! Bring a cell phone, water, sports drink (just one), and a healthy snack!
  •  Remember, if you wear compression shirts, shorts, or just regular shirts/shorts underneath your uniform, it has to be BLACK! Also, only one logo on the shirt and NO LOGOS on the shorts! I’ll bring black sharpies to color in any logos, and Coach Walters and I will be at the starting line to make sure everyone is okay.
  • Parents, if you are taking your child home from the meet please make sure to sign out with Coach Walters at the finish line. Only parents can sign out athletes from the meet!
  • After the race, results will be posted online at On that webpage, click on Cross Country. Then scroll down to Southwestern Conference Preview (8/24/13). Click there to find out results. Please note: results may not be updated until later in the day that Saturday or perhaps even into the day on Sunday.
  • Parents, we will include a course map on the blog site. It’s best to view athletes running at the start line, at the mile mark (by the tennis courts), and then at the finish. If you really want to cheer kids on where they will totally hear you, the base of the hill is also a good spot (I usually go there…they need some cheerleaders there!). The downside is you might not get to see the finish. These locations are fairly close to each other so you should be able to walk to each location without difficulty!
  •  Athletes, please bear with me, but I’ve attached a ‘Meet Cheat Sheet,’ your cross country homework for the week. Study up! Be ready for Saturday!
  • Handouts...

Coach Rocco & Coach Walters

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