Thursday, August 15, 2013

Cross Country Announcements

Cross Country Athletes & Parents:
·         Thanks for attending the Parent Meeting last night! Here is a brief summary:
1)      Pay-to-Participate is due Friday, August 23rd, and must be turned in to the Learwood office. You can bring this with you to the orientation sessions for 7th (Tuesday) and 8th (Thursday) grades.
2)      Concussion information can be found here:
3)      Practices will be from 3 – 4:45 p.m., Monday – Friday
4)      We are tentatively planning on departure from, and arrival to, Troy on Saturday meet days, per the emails we have currently received. Please let us know if this is an issue!
5)      If you plan on getting spikes, athletes should plan on getting 3/8 inch spikes. You might also want the ¼ inch spikes on days where it is drier and the course is not as muddy or if there is a lot of concrete running.
6)      You don’t have to get compression shirts or shorts, but, if you do, we agreed on getting BLACK this year. Really, we apologize to those of you who like white compression shirts/shorts, and to those of you who have already purchased the white shirts/shorts, but we talked this over last year and it just makes more sense to get the black apparel as it is easier to clean and easier to conceal logos should that be necessary. Again, you don’t NEED to buy compression apparel, you can wear regular black shirts/shorts if you want.
7)      We are attaching optional apparel information. Sales will begin next week and will end the week after!
8)      If you are interested in helping to organize Friday Night Dinners, please contact Coach Walters (
9)      Right now, it looks like the ‘hard’ cross country practices should be Tuesday – Thursdays, based on what parents have emailed so far. Let us know if this works!
10)   Lastly, here’s the competition schedule for this season! We may be adding the State Championship Meet to this, but have to discuss it with our Athletic Director first!
Day & Date                         Meet                                                     Location                               Time
Saturday     8/24                SWC Preview                                    LCCC                                      8:30 a.m.
Saturday     8/31                Avon Lake Early Bird                       LCCC                                      8:00 a.m.
Saturday     9/7                  Tiffin Carnival                                   Hedges Boyer Park         12:20 p.m.
Thursday    9/12                Avon MS Invitational                     Veterans Park                   5:00 p.m.
Saturday     9/14                Grizzly Bear Run I                            Wadsworth Park              9:00 a.m.
Saturday     9/21                Colt C.C. Invitational                      Cloverleaf High                8:40 a.m.
Saturday     9/29                Obenour Memorial Invite           Vermilion High                 9:00 a.m.
TBA                                        Westlake Fun Run                           Clague Park                        4:30 p.m.
Saturday     10/5                Jack Wilhelm Classic                      LCCC                                      10:00 a.m.
Saturday     10/12              SWC CHAMPIONSHIP                    LCCC                                      1:30 p.m.
·         Here is our schedule for the next couple of weeks:
Thursday             Recovery Day                    On your own, meet with friends, or (preferred), meet with teammates
                                                                                20 – 30 minutes swimming (preferred) or cardio (basketball, bike ride, game, rollerblading, etc.)
                                                                                or a recovery (very easy) run of 20 – 24 minutes
Friday                    8:30 – 10:30 a.m.              LEARWOOD (front doors) – bring your bike! We’ll go on a bike ride, then we’ll get our Uniforms
                Saturday              9 – 10:30 a.m.                    ALHS Track
                Monday               9 – 10:30 a.m.                    ALHS Track
                Tuesday               9 – 10:30 a.m.                    ALHS Track
                Wednesday        3 – 4:45 p.m.                      LEARWOOD (meet at LW Track)
                Thursday &         3 – 4:45 p.m.                      LEARWOOD (after school practices begin!)
Saturday              SWC Preview                     More info. to follow!

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