Kim Krock has created a Shutterfly site for the Learwood Cross Country Team! This will allow you to easily share pictures (those you have taken, or see those others have taken).
In an attempt to help safeguard our team’s information, this is a private site and requires approval to view.
To access the site you will need a Shutterfly account. If you do not have one, go to and click on “sign up” at the top of the page and follow the directions to create an account.
Once you have an account, please go to: You will get a message telling you that the site is private and permission is required for access. Click on “ASK” at the bottom of the message to request access. You’ll be brought to a page where you can enter your name and a message. Please enter your name, then put your runner’s name and grade in the message section so you can be verified as a member of the Learwood Cross Country Team community. You will receive an e-mail when you have been approved as a member of the site. IF YOU HAVE OTHER FAMILY MEMBERS (GRANDPARENTS, ETC) WHO WILL BE WANTING TO ACCESS THE SITE, BE SURE TO SEND KIM AN E-MAIL AHEAD OF TIME ( SO SHE KNOWS WHO THEY ARE! Ask them to identify themselves along with the runner’s name & grade in the request comments.
Adding pictures to the site is easy! Send an e-mail to Put the name of the folder (it’ll be the date of the race) in the subject line – exactly as written on the website. Put your picture(s) as attachments to the e-mail and hit ‘send’! They’ll be added to the picture albums! Pictures from meets, practices, events, the bus, dinners – all things Cross Country!
These pictures will be used by Kim to create a DVD at the end of the season (or you can still submit them to her directly by e-mail, disk or USB drive). BUT, if you see some great photos of your child, you can also purchase them from the Shutterfly site as a print, book or other options.
The volunteer spots are all filled! HOORAY! Schedule will be posted on the blog. If you haven’t already sent me your child’s name and phone number, please do so. If you volunteered and aren’t on the schedule, it probably means that things didn’t get confirmed before someone else volunteered for the same thing. I had a couple of parents that I was playing e-mail tag with, and spots filled before we caught up with each other (another reason I’m looking for phone numbers!).
The order form is up on the Learwood X-C Blog. Make sure you are checking this site regularly as it makes it easy for the coaches to communicate with the team! There is other new information up on the site this week.
Have a great day!
Pam Verfaillie
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